L1 Justice

A L1J - Private Server

Our Mission Statement After over 1 year of research and development, we have finally reached a place where we feel comfortable launching what will be the best private server to ever cover Lineage 1. This being the case, we wanted to take a moment to let our player base know a few things about what will be happening here. We have fixed countless errors with source code, and spent many hours testing and re-testing skill success rates, damage calculation, etc. We have made changes to some existing spells, which you can find in the Magic/Skills section, that we feel are more up to date. The goal of this server is to pick through the updates that were introduced to Korean live servers, and apply them here. Because we won't be making identical copies of the the updates (mainly because some of them weren't well received by the population) this could be considered "customized". We will keep this as close to live servers as possible, but with some personalizations. The additions of our own creation should not change or affect the natural order of the Lineage we all love.