A collection of 'How Toos' for Justice

Life Stream Spell Book Creation

Life Stream: Sold/Created By: Lavienue (Talking Island). Base Creation Elements: Heart of Drake (1) , Heart of Golem (1) , Heart of Ice Queen (1) , Heart of Phoenix (1) . Sold/Created By: Ryumiel (Aden). Base Creation Elements: Adena (5000)/each , (5/each)Relics , (10 Each) reg- Diamond, Emerald, Rube, Sapphire

How to get fruit of evolution

There are two ways. You get a Heart of Dragon (dropped by Lesser Dragons on ToI 4xf), and exchange that with an NPC (I think in the Talking Island Inn) for a fruit. Or you craft it (Rumiel NPC in Aden), requires 20 tears of moonlight, which means 100 shining scales from Ramia, 20 emerald, and 20k adena. The emerald way

Turning of Stones:

Critical part of a Dark Elf's cycle

Thank you, Nym (from LinDB Forum posts: 247) Created on: 2016-10-12 15:34:13

Calculations begin with the success rate for Dark Stones. At each step the result is rounded down to an even integer:
10 + (player level * 0.8) + ((player wis - 6) * 1.2)
ie: Level 60 with 23 WIS
Dark Stone = 78%
Brave Stone = Dark / 2.1 = 37%
Wise Stone = Brave / 2.0 = 18%
Kaiser Stone = Wise / 1.9 = 9%

Bidding on a house and paying taxes:

Houses smaller than 60 cells require 3 lvl 25+ members.
Houses 60+ cells but less than 120 requires 4 lvl 55+ members.
120 cell houses require 5 lvl 70+ members.
This includes the Prince and offline members.

More to come