The original guide was by Coronis, as posted on Rooella's site at in 2007 (this Site is no longer active)

This is an adaptation from webpage.

Here is an walk through, of this complicated 'Elf Only' quest:

Step #1.

Go speak to the npc in Elf forest near the mother tree (left side) named "Robin Hood." Loc: 33031, 32345

He will tell you to seek out Jibril (in game name is: Zebrul) in the Temple of Eva. the Temple of Eva's entry is on the first floor of Heine dungen.

Step #2

Go to the fruit npc in Aden, Paruit, next to the Weapons shop, up from Melissa the teleport scroll NPC. Make 1 apple juice to take back to Robin Hood. Apple juice: 5 apples, 1 lemon, 1 egg, 1 carrot = 1 apple juice.

Step #3.

After you give the 'Apple Juice' to Robin Hood, he gives you a 'Memo Pad of Robin Hood', this is his 1st materials list. By clicking on the list in your inventory the list shows all the ingredients you need to gather to bring back to him...they are: 4 Sacred Unicorn Horns dropped from Nightmares on Dream Island. (Blessed Unicorn Horn) 30 Breaths of Fire, 30 Breath of Earth, 30 Breath of Wind, 30 Breath of Water, 30 Breath of Darkness. Go to the Lastabad caves. Breaths are dropped from the Elemental Guardians on the 2nd & 4th floors.
20 Tears of Spirit, (Elven Forest Dungeon) Tears are dropped from the 'Contaminated Faeries' in EFD-2nd floor. While you’re down there, make sure to get a total of 30 Tears of Spirit, as you'll need the extra 10 to give to the Heine npc 'Zebrul' in Eva temple.

Step #4.

1 Spirit of Moonlight... (Heine Temple of Eva, entry on Hiene 1st floor &/or by going thru the castle entry). Speak to the white-robed npc: Zibril. (Robins Pad says to talk to the Jibril, but on the Ken-server; its spelled "Zibril.”) (No Longer relevant) ~Also before you go to Heine, take with you: 10HQD, 10HQE, 10HQR, & 10HQS, and the extra 10 Tears of Spirit.

Step #5a.

Speak to Zibril. He says he needs a "Eva's Sacred Water and a Dagger of Eva." Then he says, while you’re here, could you give him a donation. This is where you give him '10 of each type of gem,' then he gives you the Dagger of Eva.'


Now speak to Zibril again, and he'll give you the 'Eva's Sacred Water.' Note* DON’T Double-Click the water it acts like a "ability to hit" potion. So once you have found Saell, then use the potion so you can hit her. You need it to end the 'Cursed Exorcist Saell' on Hiene 4th floor.

Step #5c.

Go to Heine 4th floor underwater. Coronis found it at the center of the map, near the Tower, as he referred to it as. I think he meant where the 'old colosseum/round temple' is. (But I'll have to refer back to my map, to make sure of the spot and will update it here later; to be sure.) Coronis' says that 'the Cursed Exorcist Saell' is a ghost and is not aggro, but is often hard to see. Not too strong, but took him several hits to end it. He also stated that before you attempt to take on Saell, its best if you clear/kill all other Aggro's from the area, that might attack you in the attempt This mop must be Soloed, if anyone else hits it, you will not get the drop and you will have to start this part of the quest all over again. So it this happens, then I am to assume you will need to go back to the Temple of eva npc Zibril and start that part all over again. -.- Might be helpful to take someone else with you, in case they need to battle other aggro mops and/or help keep you healed. Anywho, if successful, you will gain the drop of: Ring of Saell.

Step #6.

Return Ring of Saell to Zibril, at Temple of Eva/Hiene 1st floor. Zibril will give you "Spirit of Moonlight.'

Step #7.

Take "Spirit of Moonlight' to Robin Hood in Elf forest, he gives you: Ring of Robin Hood and another Memo Pad (2nd Materials List.) Materials needed for the 2nd part to make the bow: 30 Griffin feathers, 40 Mithril threads, 1 Ori-coated horn, 12 Ori-plates, 1 Top Quality Diamond, 1 Top Quality Emerald, 1 Top Quality Ruby, 1 Top Quality Sapphire, Robins Memo Pad

Step #8.

After you gather all these materials and give them to Robin Hood in Elf forest, he will give you the completed: 'Longbow of Moonlight.'

~~~~~~~Congratulations you’re finished with this quest!~~~~~~~~

Note* this quest is repeatable. Many items are tradable, so if you get help in gathering some of it, this quest will go faster.

Moon Bow Hit value: 3+0/3+0 Two-handed weapon Hit bonus: +3 Damage bonus: +4 Usuable: (ELF) Material: Wood Weight: 25 Stats are about the same as a Sayha Bow. Uses arrows. It has some magic to it, which goes off from time to time.

If ya see the photo as posted on Rooella's site, it looks like it is skipping a rock across the river, &/or multible water shots with a sun-ball of fire shown above them. Our Many Thanks to "Coronis" for the detailed data as shown above! gl all, LC LadyCrystael, lvl 80+. ZNightBirdZ, lvl 75.28% RelicHunter, Lvl 80+ Auraia, lvl 75.23% *If thee speakith with pure of heart, then thy soul shall ever be free!