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Beginner's Guide - Elf

Opening Text for an Elf

The Elf is considered an advanced class. They must construct much of their own items, as vendors are not available as in other starting areas. They also do not have a training ground so must gain experience through combat. A good Elf should have plenty of Dexterity for using their Bows, or plenty of Intelligence and Wisdom for their magic abilities.

The Elven race inhabits the Elven Forest, located in the western part of the Kingdom of Aden. The Elven kind tend to avoid contact with humans, but occasionally they are known to form friendships with special members of the short-lived race.

Elves are naturally dexterous, and this is a great aid to those who choose to follow the path of archery. Additionally, Elves are second only to human Wizards in magic, and sometimes are quite intelligent and wise, which supports their tendency to excel in this field.

Other Elves choose to focus on their constitution to cleanse the land of the monstrous swarms that can encroach on the Elven Forest. Truly, Elves are among the most flexible of races in terms of the roles they can play. However, they are not universally loved outside of their forest, and there are places where humans are accepted and Elves are hunted. Elves start out with night vision, which allows them to see clearly even in the darkest dungeon.

Setting Up and Starting your Elf

There are a couple different types of Elves that people prefer to have. I will explain them before I explain the rest of the Elves' leveling experience.

The Key stats for an Elf are Dexterity (Dex) and Constitution (Con). Dexterity is important in determining how accurate you are with your attack. This is especially important for using a bow. Constitution is beneficial in giving you a lot of Hit Points (HP) per level up. The more HP you have, the easier it is to live longer.

The base stats that you get for an Elf are as follows with 7 extra points to distribute:

  • Strength: 11
  • Dexterity: 12
  • Constitution: 12
  • Wisdom: 12
  • Charisma: 9
  • Intelligence: 12

The distribution of these 7 points are up to you based on what your playing preference is from the stats mentioned above. The three stats that I would suggest are as follows:

  • 18 Dexterity, 13 Constitution = A Dex Elf with very good accuracy, but lower HP
  • 13 Dexterity, 18 Constitution = A Con Elf which is better with a sword but gets great HP
  • 16 Dexterity, 14 Constitution, 13 Intelligence = A Dex Elf with good accuaracy, and good constitution
  • 15 Dexterity, 16 Constitution = A Con Elf with decent dexterity and good HP.

Dex/AC Bonus

As a bonus, as you level, you will gain extra AC. This is determined by the base DEX that your character has. The formula is as follows:

Dex 18 = Every 4 levels you will recieve -1 AC
Dex 16-17 = Every 5 levels you will recieve -1 AC
Dex 13-15 = Every 6 levels you will recieve -1 AC
Dex 10-12 = Every 7 levels you will recieve -1 AC
Dex 7-9 = Every 8 levels you will recieve -1 AC

Other Bonuses

+1 "to hit" for every 5 character levels
+1 Bow-only Damage for every 10 character levels
Base Magic Resistance (MR) is 25 starting at level 1

Getting Started

Now that you have chosen your stats, here is a basic guide on how to level up your Elf. Please note that there are many different preferences on where to hunt; this is just my opinion.

As an Elf, you will find yourself in the Elven Village. This is the beginning area of the game for Elves. You should walk around and familiarize yourself with the townsfolk and the Guardians in the Forest. Learn your Guardians: Pan (1/2 man 1/2 horse), Ent (walking tree), Arachne (Spider Lady), Queen Fairy, and the Fairies. Pan will give you Pan's Mane if you punch or kick him. The Pan's Mane can be used to create some weapons and armor. An Ent will give you Twigs of Ent, Fruit of Ent, and if you feed him Fungus Juice he might give you Bark of Ent. Arachne will give you Arachne's Web and creates some Elven items. Queen Fairy will turn 1 Lump of Rough Mithril into 20 Lumps of Pure Mithril for you. Nerupa is a key NPC for elves. She is located in the dungeon at the base of the Mother Tree. Talk to her and she will give you a long list of items that she can make. You will not need any adena to make these items. Instead, you will need various materials (most of which can be created in the Elven Forest).

The second way these guardians will help you is in fighting. If any of the guardians are on the screen while you are attacking a monster, they will help attack the monster until it is dead. The next thing you should know is the colors of the mops names. There is Red, Gold, Blue, and Green. Green is the easiest, then Blue, Gold, and Red. The colors of a monsters name will change as you begin to level. The creatures you will find in the forest are dwarfs, werewolves, orc, orc archers, orc fighters, fungus, wolves, frogs, rabbits, dear and wild boar. I would suggest visiting the Item Creation Guide and printing out the list of materials you need to make an elven bow and an elven chain mail. These are good items that you will use for a while. Armor yourself with your bow and venture into the forest to start hunting. Keep a mental note that if you attack a mop and there is another mop of the same kind, they will attack you also. If you run out of arrows, go to Ent and retreive twigs of ent and take those to Nerupa, she will make arrows for you.

Magic System for Elves

Elves are granted the opportunity to learn. There are two kinds of magic in the world of Aden. There is Mage Magic and Elven Magic. And you may learn both!

Mage magic can be learned every 8 levels. Elves can obtain up to the 6th level of mage spells. So at level 48 you will learn your last level of mage spells (level 6). Your first level of mage spells can be learned at level 8. To do this you need to go see NPC named Horun. He is east of the forest, there is a brick wall, he is located in the side of that wall near the beach. Horun requires various components in order for you to receive your spells. You can also venture to Talking Island to get these spells from Gereng for adena. You can also learn your second and third level mage spells from Horun or Gereng. The first three levels of mage spells that you learn, you learn directly from Horun or Gereng. The others you must buy a spellbook and take that spell book to the appropriate place to be learned. You can learn the spellbooks in the Ivory Tower on the 3rd floor or at any Lawful or Chaotic Temple in Aden. All Lawful Spells must be learned at a Lawful Temple and all Chaotic Spells must be learned at a Chaotic Temple. Any Neutral Spells can be learned at either of the temples. Be careful when you do this, if you learn a Lawful spell at the Chaotic Temple (or vice versa), your book might be destroyed! The other mage spells must be bought in the Ivory Tower in Oren or bought from players.

Elven Magic is a very specialized magic. There are five levels of Elven magic and you can learn this magic every 10 levels. Unlike mage magic with spellbooks, you will need to obtain Spirit Crystals to learn these spells. This magic is a little different than mage magic. There is a 'Common Line' of elf magic that any of you can learn and there are 4 specialized lines of magic. You may choose one of these: Line of Fire, Line of Water, Line of Earth, Line of Wind. You will not be able to choose a specialized Line of Elven Magic until you are level 30. To do so you must go talk to Ellyonne in the 2nd floor of the Ivory Tower in Oren. As I was saying you have to learn this magic with Spirit Crystals. Some of which can be bought from Linda on 1F in the Ivory Tower. The others must be obtained from mops or bought from other players. There are two places in which you can learn these spells. First of which is in the 1F of the Ivory Tower. There is an Elf Magic Training Room there. The Second is at the Mother Tree in the Elven Forest.

Levels 1 to 4

After you have created your elf, if you look in your inventory you will see that you were given a bow, 100 arrows, a wooden jacket and a Map of the Elven Forest. The first thing you should do is put on the wooden jacket and arm your bow. Venture into the forest around the Elven Village and kill the various monsters that you see. You may want to make sure that a Guardian is on the screen to help you kill the monsters. Keep track of how many arrows you have as you will need to punch/kick the ents to get twigs and then go to Nerupa to make more arrows.

Levels 5-10

On the LoA server, I would suggest that you attempt to get the Skeleton Boots and even a couple of the Rings. To do this, you will need to venture into Hidden Valley. Figure out which components you need, and then try to save them and make the items. It would also be a good idea to partake of any of the newbie quests that are available in Hidden Valley.

Once you have hunted Elven forest for a while and gotten up in level a little bit, you should go to Elven Dungeon. Go down there to kill Zombies only. Keep in mind the guardians are not in the dungeon. Try to remember that if you attack a mop, all the other mops of the same creation will attack you as well. This is important to remember as if you hit any orc, all other orcs on the screen will attack you. Zombies here will give you rough mithril, which you need to make almost all elven items. It is easy to level and get alignment on the zombies. Once you have enough rough mithril you will need to turn it into pure mithril. To do this take it to any of the Fairies in the forest. Now back in the forest you should collect the other items that you need for making the elven bow and elven chain mail. If you are on the LoA server, you may want to try and make the Elven Breast Plate and the Elven Leather Helmet as these two items belong to an armor set and thus give you an additional bonus. You may also want to venture to Hidden Valley and into the Hidden Valley Caves to gain some good lawful points and experience. At level 8 you can learn your first level of spell. To do this you need to go see NPC named Horun. He is east of the forest, there is a brick wall, he is located in the side of that wall near the beach. Horun requires various components in order for you to receive your spells. You can also venture to Talking Island to get these spells from Gereng for adena. Continue to hunt in the Elven forest and the caves to continue to level.

Levels 10-15

Now you should have enough materials to make your elven bow and elven chain mail, do so. This will help you out a bit. As a dex elf you will be using your bow alot. Archers in general are better when they hunt in groups. A group of 3/4 bow-elves can hunt places they cannot hunt alone. Due to killing more mops in a group, the spawn rate will be higher and thus you should be getting equal or greater experience in the group. This works best when you are outside the elven forest. After level 8, you don't really need the Elven Guardians and can venture to the nearby towns, mainly Kent. Before you do this, I would suggest that you use some of the fungus juice that you have aquired to make 2 pair of boots. 1 pair of these boots you can wear wear and the other you can sell in Kent for 1000 adena which you will want for pots. If you are ever in need of money, this is an easy solution to make some quick money. Kent is located east of your map. You can ask another elf to show you. On your way to Kent you should hunt and make some adena. And by the time you get to Kent you should sell your extra boots to get some starting cash. You should have enough adena to buy some Silver Arrows and maybe even some Lesser Healing Potions (these will somewhat refill your hp). You will also want to buy at least one Scroll of Escape. You can get the arrows from the armor/weapon merchant, and the lesser healing potions from the general merchant. Once you have retrieved these items you should go out the south gate of Kent and hunt alongside the road. This road leads all the way to Gludio. You should ask around and either buy a dog or tame one. A dog will help you with your hunting. The mops you will find along the road are werewolves, kobolds, orcs, orc archers, orc fighters, gremlins, dwarves, dwarf warriors, and Elders. I would advise leaving the Elders alone, they take away good alignment and are very powerful at this level in the game. You should really try to get a helmet at this point in the game. You can either buy a normal helmet in the Kent Weapon/Armor shop for 200 adena, make an Elven Leather Helmet, which is lighter than the Helmet, and also -1 AC, or use a Dwarvish Iron Helmet which you can get when you hunt dwarves. The Dwarvish Iron Helmet is a bit heavy, but gives -2 AC. The Elven Leather Helmet is a component of the Bless of Elm (BOE) which you will want to get later in the game. Until then, you may want to use the Dwarvish Iron Helmet for better protection.

Levels 16-20

At level 16 you can get the second level of spells. The easiest way is to go to Talking Island. You can do this by Teleporting there (1500 adena) or buying a ticket from the Harbor Master (300 adena) in Gludio. The person you will speak with in TI is Gereng. After purchasing your spells, you need to continue hunting and earning money. You can hunt in TI as well, if you stay to your northeast you will find many of the same creatures as were between Kent and Gludio. Or you can go back to the mainland and hunt the lower part of the Waste Lands or the Small Waste Lands. If possible, bring a dog and/or a friend. You will find zombies, ghouls, skeleton, skeleton archer, spartoi, and black knights. Be sure to take plenty of pots and twigs of ent with you. The twigs of ent will serve as a cure potion when a ghoul poisons you or your dog. You might even take some haste or greater haste with you. This will speed you up a bit.

Once level 16, you are probably going to want to take the first of the Elven Quests. View the Quest Guide for more details on the quests you can take. These quests will give you some armor/weapons that can be quite beneficial to your character.

Levels 21-25

At this point, I would suggest continuing to hunt the small waste land and the lower waste lands. A dog will be your best friend for a while and will help you kill things faster. The money you are saving from killing these creatures should be spend to start purchasing some of your armor and weapons. Look at the armor goals below and start looking into making/buying some of these items. After purchasing some of them, you will want to start enchanting them by buying Scrolls of Enchant Armor (ZEL) and Scrolls of Enchant Weapon (DAI). A big goal at this point in the game should be to make money. It may not seem like you are saving money, but you should still be making it. The Waste Land and the Small Waste Land are good hunting spots to make money and gain experience. You may also want to try venturing into Fire Valley Beach. You can make some good money here relatively easily. It is recommended that you morph while hunting here and then attack one monster at a time. Be sure to bring a dog with to help kill the monsters. It is best if you use a bow so that you can use less potions, although some prefer to use the sword. Once you are level 24 you can learn the 3rd level spells. These can also be aquired from Horun or Gereng.

Levels 26-30

At this time you should be very familiar with the game by now. You should be hunting Fire Valley (in Polymorph), Kent, Gludio, WL, SWL, SKT. Your armor and weapons should be at a decent level and thus your AC should also be getting lower. If you are interested in Power Leveling, now may be a good time to start. The thing about Power Leveling is that you gain experience fast, but it hurts. To do this, buy plenty of red potions and go to the Dragon Valley Beach (left of the entrance). Be sure to take a dog and some escape scrolls in case you get swarmed. Kill all the DV Skeletons and the scorpions that you run into. A fairly high enchanted weapon will help along with silver/mithril arrows. Be careful if you attempt to do this. You won't make money on these trips although you may get close to breaking even, depending on your AC and weapon. If you aren't ready to power level, continue to hunt these areas. You can try to hunt the Ant Caves to get some good adena.

Levels 31-40

Now you should be close to being totally zeled out, if not you should work on it. You should also feel comfortable hunting anywhere in Aden. The best places for me to hunt are DV, and you gain the most experience here. Also at these levels you can go global. Here you can ask any questions you may have, buy and sell items, or just chat. Dragon Velley and Fire Valley will probably allow you to level the fastest. Once you reach level 32, learn the 4th level spells and once you reach level 40, you can learn the level 5 spells. Many of these spells will help you out a lot. As elves, your mana will regenerate slowly so be careful how many spells you use. The best way to regen your mana is to sit under the Mother Tree in the Elven Forest.

Sometime around here, you will want to take the Level 30 Elven Quest. View the Quest Guide for more details on the quests you can take.

Levels 40+

Well, by now, you should be leveling very nicely. Dragon Valley and Fire Valley should continue to offer you some great experience. The ant caves should still be a good supply of adena. Continue to level, help in seiges, and have fun. Once you reach level 48, you can learn your level 6 spells. These are the last spells that you can learn as an elf. The most important ones being the Strength and Eruption spells. Good luck.

Armor Goals

  • +6 Elven Plate Mail or Elven Chain Mail
  • +6 Bless of Elm
  • +4 Bracer or +4 I-Gloves
  • +4 I-Boots
  • +4 T-Shirt
  • +6 Elven Cloak
  • +6 Elven Shield (Can't use when using a bow)
  • Silver Serpant Necklace or Orc Amulet

Weapon Goals

  • +6 Yumi
  • +6 Rapier
  • +6 Katana

It is up to you on the order you enchant these items. Depending on what you prefer to hunt, you may want to plus some before others. This is entirely up to you. Analyze the statistics for each weapon and armor and make the decision on what you like to hunt.

Final Wishes

Good luck leveling your new Elf. My words of advice for you are to have patience, constantly hunt (don't sit around and talk), and have fun. Don't be discouraged by downfalls, but pick yourself up and be determined to get better. The Elf is a completely different class from the others and this makes an enjoyable character to play.

Enjoy your exploration of Aden!

Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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