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Beginner's Guide - Prince/Princess

Opening Text for a Prince/Princess

The Prince or Princess is an advanced class. They are weaker than Knights and have less magical abilities than the Wizard. However, they are the only class that can create a Bloodpledge.

A good Prince should have plenty of Charisma to increase the number of members he can include in their Bloodpledge.

The World of Lineage is host to a number of wandering scions of royal blood known as Princes and Princesses. These noble souls seek to regain the throne currently held by the Pretender King. To this end, they lead Bloodpledges of their companions to take over the various castles and lands in the world of Lineage.

Though Knights are stronger, Wizards know more magic, and Elves are more versatile, Princes and Princesses have an ability that no one else does - they can use their great charisma to lead Bloodpledges and hold the thrones of castles.

The most important ability for a Prince or Princess is Charisma, to be able to maximize the number of their followers. Beyond this many choose to emphasize their constitution, so that they can withstand damage during wars and sieges.

Those of royal blood can also use most weapons and armor. They begin their quest to regain the throne on Singing Island.

Setting Up and Starting your Prince/Princess

There are a couple different types of Prince/Princess that people prefer to have. I will explain them before I explain the rest of the Prince/Princess's leveling experience.

The key stats for a Prince/Princess were once Charisma (Cha) and Constitution (Con). Charisma affects how many characters you can have in your pledge. This is vital for a Prince/Princess as it is what allows your pledge to be stronger. Constitution is beneficial in giving you a lot of Hit Points (HP) per level up. The more HP you have, the easier it is to live longer. However, due to the constant changes in the game of Lineage, the number of pledge members a prince can now have is 2 times his charisma until he completes his level 45 quest which will raise it to 6 times (instead of 3 times) his charisma, and at level 50 it becomes 9 times his charisma. This puts less of a need to have high charisma on a pledge leader.

The base stats that you get for a Prince/Princess are as follows with 8 extra points to distribute:

  • Strength: 13
  • Dexterity: 10
  • Constitution: 10
  • Wisdom: 11
  • Charisma: 13
  • Intelligence: 10

The distribution of these 8 points are up to you based on what your playing preference is from the stats mentioned above. The three stats that I would suggest are as follows:

  • Leveling Stats (good pledge size after level 45 quest)
    • 16 Constitution, 15 Strength = A good pledge leader with good strength and good HP
    • 20 Strength, 14 Charisma = The best strength and slightly improved pledge leadership
    • 18 Dexterity = Improved AC, Use a bow or polearm
    • 18 Constitution = A good pledge leader with the best HP
  • Charisma Stats (a huge pledge at lvl 45, but very slow leveling)
    • 18 Charisma, 16 Strength = An excellent pledge leader with good strength
    • 18 Charisma, 13 Dexterity = An excellent pledge leader with slightly improved Dexterity

Dex/AC Bonus

As a bonus, as you level, you will gain extra AC. This is determined by the base DEX that your character has. The formula is as follows:

Dex 18 = Every 4 levels you will recieve -1 AC
Dex 16-17 = Every 5 levels you will recieve -1 AC
Dex 13-15 = Every 6 levels you will recieve -1 AC
Dex 10-12 = Every 7 levels you will recieve -1 AC
Dex 7-9 = Every 8 levels you will recieve -1 AC

Other Bonuses

+1 "to hit" for every 5 character levels
Base Magic Resistance (MR) is 10 starting at level 1

Getting Started

Now that you have chosen your stats, here is a basic guide on how to level up your prince. Please note that there are many different preferences on where to hunt, this is just my opinion.

Those who inherit royal blood of as well as those who seek to learn the Magics of the Einhasad and Gran Kain begin their journey on Singing Island. This is the new player area for Princes and Wizards. You should begin by exploring the town and discovering what it has to offer. At the gates of town you will find Healer's to restore your HP and MP. There is also the Weapon Enchanter, the Armor Enchanter, the Polymorph NPC and the Haste Master. The two most usefull to you as a new player will be the Healer and the Haste Master, but for a small fee you may wish to experiment with the other NPC's. You can stay on this island until you reach lvl 13, however you are free to leave at any time. There is a NPC in the lower part of town who will teleport you to Talking Island free of charge.

One thing you should know of before starting is that the Pretender King has already forbidden royal descendants from ruling. We are going to ignore his petty little laws and do it anyway, however he does have an elite fighting force known as the Black Knights. These black knights come in four forms. The Escaped Black Knights appear in the begginer area called Hidden Valley. The Black Knights appear with the white knight named Kurtz on the Talking Island, but they don't spawn too frequently and are killed rather fast. The Black Knights spawn near the Silver Knight Town. Finally the Black Knight Search Party spawns in the Small Wasteland near the towns of Kent and Gludin. The Black Knights have orders to seek you out and destroy you. This means they are aggressive to you even though they are not aggressive to Elves, Wizards, and Knights. Beware of the Black Knights, individually they are not strong, however, with the exception of the Escaped Black Knight, they are never alone and will take you out fast.

Levels 1 to 4

After you are well aquainted with the town you will want to head west of the town and find the scarecrows. This is the Singing Island Training Area. First you need to equip the dagger in your inventory, and while you are at it put on the jacket. Next, walk up to one of the scarecrows and click on it to attack. To auto-swing, click on the scarecrow and hold the mouse button down. While swinging, drag the mouse cursor down to the chat area of the screen and release the button. Your prince will continue swinging as long as you don't interrupt him. Take some time to get a soda and a sandwich and come back. Princes with high charisma will level slowly. You should stay here until you reach level 5 at which point attacking the scarecrow will do nothing for you.

Levels 5 to 10

You are now ready to begin your true quest in the game of Lineage. This means we get to kill stuff! You need to walk up to a monster and attack it to kill it with your dagger. Be carefull what you choose to attack, some monsters are still too tough for you. Attack something with a green border on its name such as goblins, kobolds, and orcs but not orc fighters. You can find them to the right of town. The healer is still waiting to help you at the gates of town, dont be afraid to go back and use him.

At this point you may wish to get a dog. You can either tame a dog or buy one. For more information on dogs and how to use them, click here. Remember to feed your dog or it will go hungry and leave you.

You should also look into getting some armor. The bone set, or the dwarvish iron armors is a good choice for a beginner.

Once you make it to level 10 you can learn one half of the spells available to a prince. The level 1 spells include light which can eliminate the need for candles and lamps. Shield can decrease your AC by 1 point, however if there are elves near by you may want to try and get them to earth skin you instead for a -4 AC boost. Holy weapon is effective against undead if your using a melee weapon.

Levels 11 to 16

Once you reach level 13 you will be forced to go to Talking Island, but you may wish to go sooner. Explore the village and see what the NPC's offer you. Pandora may be a bit hard to find, she is the general merchant. To find her, exit the town to north east and keep heading east past the gates. Notice the dock, from here you can get a boat ride to the mainland. Keep heading north east and you will find Pandora. In addition there is a kennel to the south west of town, follow the path to find it.

Be careful what you attack here. Monsters on Talking Island and throughout Aden are tribal. This means if you hit one monster of a certain type, they will all come after you. For example, attack a goblin and every other goblin and hobgoblin on the screen will attack you. The same goes for orcs and werewolves. In addition, the stone golems may break your sword, too much damage and it will evaporate. You can repair a damaged weapon with a whetstone which Pandora will sell you.

Start by hunting south and east of the village, however dont go too far south or you will run into the dreaded Arachnevils and their Elder couterparts. Stay fairly close to the village and kill goblins, orcs, and the occasional werewolf. The strongest in this area is the hobgoblin. Dont let their size and girlish color fool you, they are deadly at your level should they gang up on you. Be carefull hunting with dogs, you can't buy resurrection scrolls on the island. Should you be in the mood for an adventure, you may want to venture east to the Talking Island Caverns.

Now you may wish to take a boat to the Main Land for 300 adena. Optionally for a much larger price you can teleport there a lot faster from the NPC in town. The boat ride takes 1 hour game time which equals out to about 15 minutes real time, and all you do is sit and wait. This may sound unappealing but you save 1200 adena through this method.

Gludin Town is the village you arrive in when the boat docks. By this time I'm sure your just itching to do something... anything... just as long as it doesnt involve getting back on that boat. Explore the town, buy a map, you should be getting used to this by now. You can get Ressurection scrolls here, however there is no kennel so you will have to walk north to Kent to get your dogs. Also in Kent is Zero who you will speak with to start the level 15 quest.

Continue to level up in the forested areas of the Gludio Estate. At this point you should be able to handle most of the monsters around here. They are very similar to what you found on Talking Island.

Once level 15, you may want to take the first of the Prince Quests. View the Quest Guide for more details on the quests you can take. These quests will give you some armor/spells that can be quite beneficial to your character and your future pledge. I reccomend you dont attempt this one by yourself at this point. Either wait till your stronger or get a friend, preferably a strong mage or a group of bow wielding elves with a lot of dogs. To use dogs on the Black Knight Search Party, have your friends dogs attack them but make sure they do not collect from them. When you have killed a few packs of them have your friends restart without kenneling their dogs. The dogs will drop everything on the ground and with luck, you might find what you are looking for. Be aware that if a dog dies, he "swallows" everything he is carrying and you will never see it again.

Levels 16 to 20

At this point many of your friends may want to hunt in the Small Wasteland or the Silver Knight Town area. As mentioned earlier, you do not want to hunt here. These are Black Knight spawn areas and are extremely dangerous to royal decendants. Unlike the knights on the Talking Island these spawn extremely rapidly and often you will run into more than one squad at a time.

You can hunt in the Wasteland. This is located to the south west of Kent or to the north-west of Gludin. At first stay to the southern most areas. Here you will find Skeletons, Skeleton Archers, Spartoi, Zombies, and Ghouls. Undead are vulnerable to holy weapon so use the spell whenever you need it. Undead are also a great way to raise your lawfull points. To the north of the wasteland you will run into Bugbears. These are huge, fat, ugly, pink monsters who cast a bit of magic, but usually just pound you into submission. They are quite strong and should be avoided at this level.

At some point after level 20 you are going to want to get the second half of your spells from Gereng on Talking Island (great, another boat ride). These spells include Decrease Weight which helps you heal even when slightly overweight, Cure Poison which is useful against those gouls and Arachnevils, and Enchant Weapon which will increase your melee weapons power.

Levels 21 to 30

Now you are getting the hang of things. You should begin collecting your armor and weapon goals soon. You can enchant them one at a time as you progress, but first get them in your possession. Unitl enchanted you may want to continue wearing the bone armor set. Continue hunting the wastelands and forested areas, around level 25 you may want to venture up north and tackle a few of the bugbears. You can also try hunting monsters such as Lizard Men in the deserts of Woodbec, or head up to Fire Field Farmers Town and kill Tribal orcs. One other option would be to explore the first few floors of the Main Land Chamber.

Levels 31 to 44

At this point, you are probably ready to venture into some of the more difficult hunting spots. The main areas you may want to try hunting are Dragon Valley, Fire Valley, and Oren Waste Lands. These are all good spots to hunt with lots of experience awaiting you. These areas contain some monsters that can be quite aggressive and hurtful. Be careful, but have fun.

Sometime around here, you will want to take the Level 30 Prince Quest. View the Quest Guide for more details on the quests you can take.

Levels 45+

You now are to a point when the normal areas of Aden can seem quite easy. You can go hunt boss monsters at this point, however there are two area's specifically made for high level characters. The first is the Tower of Insolence. TOI is located just north of Aden city and contains monsters much harder than found anywhere else. There are 50 floors to this massive tower and each one gets progressively harder. The next area only becomes available after level 45. This area is known as the Forgotten Island. FI is located off the coast of Heine city. There is a boat to take you there however only level 45+ characters can get on it. Additionally the ticket is quite expensive so if you go there, you want to make enough money while there so that it is a worthwhile trip.

One other area to take note of is The Island of Dreams. You can enter DI in Gypsy town. DI has monsters of all strengths and sizes, you should be aware the color system in DI is not the same as the rest of aden. A blue, red, and gold monsters should be hunted by groups, green monsters you should be extremely carefull with when hunting solo and white monsters are typical solo hunting monsters. There you will not gain or lose much experience, however some of the drops you get there are very nice.

Sometime around here, you will want to take the Level 45 Prince Quest. View the Quest Guide for more details on the quests you can take.

Armor Goals

There are two types of armor that a Prince may want based on what type of monsters they are hunting. If the monster uses magic (floating eye, basilisk, dark elf, succubus, etc) then you will want to use a Magic Resistance set. If you are hunting normal monsters (skeletons, werewolves, arachnevil, giant soldier ants, etc.) then you will want an AC set. The sets below are my opinion.

AC Armor:

  • +4 Helm Of Magic Resistance (base = +4 MR; +1 MR for each zel)
  • +4 T-Shirt
  • +6 Elven Chain Mail
  • +4 Sovereign's Majesty or +4 Cloak of Protection
  • +4 Shield of Reflection
  • +4 Iron Gloves
  • +4 Iron Boots
  • Silver Serpent Amulet or Orc Amulet
  • Ring of Guardian

MR Armor:

  • +4 Helm Of Magic Resistance (base = +4 MR; +1 MR for each zel)
  • +4 T-Shirt
  • +4 Chain Mail of Magic Resistance (base = +4 MR; +1 MR for each zel)
  • +4 Blessed Cloak of Magic Resistance (base = +10 MR; +2 MR for each zel)
  • +4 Shield of Reflection
  • +4 Iron Gloves
  • +4 Iron Boots
  • Ring of Guardian

Weapon Goals

There are 5 main weapons that I would suggest for a Prince. They are as follows in order of importance:

  • +6 Blessed Katana
  • +6 Mail Breaker
  • +6 Damascus
  • +6 Elven Spear
  • +6 Hunter Bow

Note: You may not use a shield with the Hunter Bow

Other Equipment (May be hard to get)


  • +4 Crystal Plate Mail or Ancient Scale Mail
  • +4 Shield of Eva
  • Amulet of Charisma or Amulet of Strength
  • Cloak of Invisibility (good for sieges)
  • Choose a belt and amulet that best suits your character


  • +6 (Blessed) Great Sword
  • Ancient Great Sword
  • Ancient Sword
Guide created by Cepheus

Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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