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Beginner's Guide - Knight

Opening Text for a Knight

The Knight is the easiest character for the new player to use. A good Knight should have plenty of strength, as they specialize in battling an opponent with their sword.

Knights are the most fierce warriors in Lineage, with more strength than the other classes. In addition to this, they have the ability to use more armor and weapons than any other class, making them quite effective in both giving and absorbing damage.

The primary statistics for a Knight should be Strength and Constitution, which control the amount of damage they can do and their ability to receive damage and heal. Secondarily, Dexterity can also be useful, affecting one's ability to hit accurately.

The downside of being a Knight is that they have no innate ability to cast magical spells at all. They are dependent on potions and scrolls or friendly party members for magical support. (unless they have any of the magical helmets)

Knights thus have a vested interest in seeking the patronage of a powerful Bloodpledge leader, but they begin the game in Hidden Valley (connected to SKT) as wandering and lordless warriors.

Setting Up and Starting your Knight

There are a couple different types of Knight that people prefer to have. I will explain them before I explain the rest of the Knights's leveling experience.

The Key stats for a Knight are Strength (Str) and Constitution (Con). Strength affects the amount of damage you do to a monster or person and also affects how much you can carry. Constitution is what gives you the most Hit Points (HP) per level up. The more HP you have, the easier it is to live longer.

The base stats that you get for a Knight are as follows with 4 extra points to distribute:

  • Strength: 16
  • Dexterity: 12
  • Constitution: 14
  • Wisdom: 9
  • Charisma: 12
  • Intelligence: 8

The distribution of these 4 points are up to you based on what your playing preference is from the stats mentioned above. The three stats that I would suggest are as follows:

  • 16 Strength, 18 Constitution = The Most HP but not as strong. Most prefer this Knight.
  • 18 Strength, 16 Constitution = Good Strength without sacrificing too much HP
  • 20 Strength, 14 Constitution = Very Strong especially with Strength Spell, but lacking in HP

Dex/AC Bonus

As a bonus, as you level, you will gain extra AC. This is determined by the base DEX that your character has. The formula is as follows:

Dex 18 = Every 4 levels you will recieve -1 AC
Dex 16-17 = Every 5 levels you will recieve -1 AC
Dex 13-15 = Every 6 levels you will recieve -1 AC
Dex 10-12 = Every 7 levels you will recieve -1 AC
Dex 7-9 = Every 8 levels you will recieve -1 AC

Other Bonuses

+1 "to hit" for every 3 character levels
+1 Melee-only damage for every 10 character levels

Getting Started

Now that you have chosen your stats, here is a basic guide on how to level up your Knight. Please note that there are many different preferences on where to hunt; this is just my opinion.

As a Knight, you will find yourself in Hidden Valley. This is the beginning area of the game for Knights. Familiarize yourself with this town and what it contains. There are people (NPC's) standing around the town that you can talk to in order to familiarize yourself with the game. At the gates of the town, you will want to talk to the Healer's, as they will heal you (HP and MP) when you are injured. There are also a few NPC's that will enchant your armor (Armor Enchanter), enchant your weapon (Weapon Enchanter), polymorph you (Polymorh NPC), and Haste you (Haste Master) all for a small fee. These are probably good NPCs to talk to in order to strengthen your weapons and armor until you can cast those spells yourself. You are welcome to stay in this valley until you are level 12, although you are welcome to leave at any time to go to Silver Knights Town. In order to tele to Silver Knights Town, talk to Illdrath in the town.

I want to mention this here as I find it very crucial to the game until you are fully lawful. As you walk around the town, pick up as much junk (letters, meat, lamps, lanterns, armors, weapons, etc.). Just make sure that your weight does not go over 50%. I would suggest picking up or sending yourself as many letters as you can since they don't take up much if any weight. You will want a lot of these, probably around 70-100. You are probably thinking that this sounds really stupid, but here is the point. If you are not full lawful (32,767 alignment points) and you die, you will drop an item from your inventory. By carrying so many letters, you will usually drop a letter rather than the important item you don't want to lose. Note that this does not guarantee that you will drop one of the items you want, it just improves the statistics of you not dropping it.

If you look in your inventory window (press the Tab key), you will see a map of Hidden Valley, a leather jacket, a dagger and 2 candles. Put on the leather jacket by double clicking on it, and then do the same with the dagger. The candles can be used at night when it is dark.

Levels 1 to 4

After familiarizing yourself with the town, you will want to go to the Training area that is east of the town. There are a lot of Scarecrows (they spin in a circle) that you can attack to gain experience. Walk up to one of the scarecrows, and start clicking on it to attack it. A trick here is the auto-swing. Click on the scarecrow and hold the mouse button down as you drag the mouse to the chat area at the bottom of the screen. When you release the button, you should be on autoswing and will keep swinging at the scarecrow. You will want to stay here at the training grounds until you get to level 5.

Levels 5 to 10

On the LoA server, I would suggest that you attempt to get the Skeleton Boots and even a couple of the Rings as you are leveling in Hidden Valley. Figure out which components you need, and then try to save them and make the items. It would also be a good idea to partake of any of the newbie quests that are available.

Now that you have reached level 5, it is time to go fight some monsters. I would familiarize yourself with the area and try to find some areas that have some easier mops such as golins, kobolds, and orcs. Always monitor the items you have and try to put on better armor and weapons as you get them. As you get around level 7 or 8, you should be able to kill some bigger monsters who may drop better. Wonder around the valley and try to kill the Orc Fighters, Orc Archers, Zombies, and Dwarves. You may want to venture into the Hidden Valley Caves to gain some good lawful points and experience. Feel free to join a pledge at any time and start making friends. Taking a few pledge members to a difficult area can be helpful as you can team up on a monster. Shortly after you get to level 12, you will be teleported off the island and will not be able to return.

At this point, it is probably best to get a dog. I would recommend a shepherd or a doberman. You can either tame a dog or buy one. For more information on dogs and how to use them, click here. As a side note, please make sure to feed your dog or it will go hungry and leave you. Note that using a dog will take away from the experience that you get, although they will prove to be very helpful in killing bigger monsters.

If you have saved your money, you should be close to getting 5 or 6 thousand adena. Once you get 5000 adena, I would buy the bone set. It will drastically help your fighting abilities as you will not get hit as much.

Levels 11 to 20

Once you are teleported out of Hidden Valley, you will find yourself in Silver Knights Town. Take some time to explore the town and discover what it has to offer. Before you go out and hunt beware that things are different from in Hidden Valley. If you attack a goblin, all other goblins on the screen will attack you. The same goes for orcs except that if you hit an orc, all orc archers, orcs, and orc fighters on the screen will start attacking you.

Prepare for each hunting trip by making sure you have Lesser Healing Potions, Scroll of Resurrection, and Scrolls of Escape. I would hotkey the red potions and the Scrolls of escape in the hotkeys area. To do this, open your inventory (tab) and the item that you want hotkeyed into one of the slots in the hotkey area. If your dog dies, you will want to resurrect him using the scoll of resurrection. Note that these scrolls are expensive. The Scrolls of Escape are different from the Scrolls of Return to Hidden Valley (which you don't need anymore). Scroll of Escape are very critical. They will take you back to the town. The Potions will help you restore HP when you are being injured.

Move around outside of Silver Knights Town and discover the area. Going too far to the left will get you into the desert. At this point, you are not ready for this area. If you go too far to the right, you will start running into some monsters that are a bit harder to kill and that can poison you. Way up north, close to the river, you may see some spiders (Arachnevil and Arachnevil Elders). To the south of Silver Knights Town is pretty safe. You will mainly find goblins, kobolds, dwarves, Stone Golems, Orcs, Orc Fighters, Orc Archers. All of these, aside from the dwarf, are good for getting lawful points. To the Northwest of Silver Knights Town is an area where you will find a lot of Orcs, Orc Archers, Orc Fighters, and Skeletons. This area is at the edge of the desert and if you venture too high up on the map, you will run into the spiders again. With a dog, you should be able to handle all of these monsters, but be sure to have some reds and maybe a couple antidotes, cure poison potions, or twig of ent on you in case you get poisoned.

On Ken/Dep/Test there is no kennel in Silver Knights Town, although the LoA server does have a kennel here. If you tame or buy a dog, you will need to teleport or walk to Woodbec/Windawood on the other side of the desert in order to retrieve your dog. If you can handle lizards, you may be ok walking there along the beach, but otherwise, I would suggest teleing until you get a bit higher level.

My main concern at this point is to continue to get lawful so you don't drop good items when you die. At this point, you have a few options. One option would be to go to Kent and hunt south of the Kent bridge for Dwarves, Dwarf Warriors, and Werewolves. The second option would be to go into the Small Waste Land (SWL) and hunt all the monsters that are there. The third option would be to hunt the first floor of the Silver Knights Town Caves located along the beach south of Silver Knights Town. You can find skeletons, werewolves, floating eyes, and some Arachnevil here. A fourth option would be to hunt lizards along the beach shore between Woodbec and Silver Knights Town.

At some point here, you will want to use the money have have stored up to buy a good weapon and some better armor. The weapons you will want eventually are the Katana, Rapier, Silver Long Sword, Damascus Sword, and a Tsurugi. The Tsurugi is one of the best weapons in the game. The Katana is best for normal monsters and large monsters. The Rapier is best for undead and small monsters. The Silver Long Sword is a good weapon that is good for undead but also good for normal and large monsters. The Damascus Sword is good for attacking creatures that will break your sword such as the Stone Golems and the Turtle Dragon. The Silver Long Sword or a Silver Sword will be your cheapest bet for a weapon at this point. You can buy a Silver Long Sword in Giran or try to buy one off of a player.

To further improve your lawfulness, I would suggest hunting any of the following mosnters. Skeletons (12), Skeleton Archers (12), Werewolves (9), Dwarf Warriors (9), Zombie (8), Orc Fighters (8), Floating Eyes (10), Stone Golems (12), Lizardman (14). The numbers following the monsters are how many lawful points they give when you kill them.

Once level 15, you are probably going to want to take the first of the Knight Quests. View the Quest Guide for more details on the quests you can take. These quests will give you some armor/weapons that can be quite beneficial to your character.

Levels 21 to 30

You should be making some decent money and are on your way to success. After level 20 it gets a bit harder to gain experience. Lizardmen, Tribal Orcs, MLC 1f and 2f, and SWL are all good spots to work on leveling. I would work in these spots for a while and continue to try and get lawful. Once you are full lawful, I would use some of your saved money and try to improve your armor. I have some armor goals below consisting of the items you are going to want to get. I would suggest working on your AC set first and getting the i-boots, i-gloves, t-shirt, and the Cloak of Protection first. I would then suggest getting, but not wearing, the elven leather helmet, the elven shield, and the leather vest with belt. The reason I wouldn't wear them is because the bone set that you should have will be better until the other items are plussed a bit. Once your AC is closer to -30, you can probably start venturing into some more difficult areas.

Some people will suggest that you try to get a better weapon first while others will suggest you get a better AC first. Well, this is your choice. Plussing the Armor may help you survive longer but plussing the weapon may help you kill the monster faster. One way or another, you will want to start working on enchanting your armor (31,000 each zel) and enchanting your weapon (75,000 each zel). This takes time and does not come easy. Try not to waste your money on items you do not really need. As your AC gets closer to 35-40, you will notice a big difference in monsters missing you a lot.

Levels 30 +

At this point, you are probably ready to venture into some of the more difficult hunting spots. The main areas you may want to try hunting are Dragon Valley, Fire Valley, and Oren Waste Lands. These are all good spots to hunt with lots of experience awaiting you. These areas contain some monsters that can be quite aggressive and hurtful. Be careful, but have fun.

Sometime around here, you will want to take the Level 30 Knight Quest. View the Quest Guide for more details on the quests you can take.

Armor Goals

There are two types of armor that a Knight may want based on what type of monsters they are hunting. If the monster uses magic (floating eye, basilisk, dark elf, succubus, etc) then you will want to use a Magic Resistance (MR) set. If you are hunting normal monsters (skeletons, werewolves, arachnevil, giant soldier ants, etc.) then you will want an AC set. The sets below are my opinion.

Armor (Heavy Version):

  • +4 Iron Helmet/Visor
  • +4 Iron Gloves
  • +4 Iron Boots
  • +4 Iron Armor
  • +4 Iron Shield
  • +4 T-Shirt
  • +4 Cloak of Protection
  • +0 Orc Amulet
Armor (Lighter Version):
  • +4 Knight Visor
  • +4 T-Shirt
  • +6 Elven Plate Mail or +6 Elven Chain Mail
  • +4 Cloak of Protection
  • +6 Elven Shield
  • +4 Iron Gloves
  • +4 Iron Boots
  • +0 Orc Amulet
MR Set:
  • +4 Helmet of Magic Resistance
  • +4 T-Shirt
  • +4 Chain Mail of Magic Resistance
  • +4 Cloak of Magic Resistance
  • +6 Elven Shield
  • +4 Iron Gloves
  • +4 Iron Boots
  • +0 Orc Amulet

Note: The Iron Set gives you a bonus of +3 AC when all items are worn.

Weapon Goals

There are a few main weapons that I would suggest for a Knight. They are as follows in order of importance:

  • +6 Katana
  • +6 Rapier
  • +6 Tsurugi
  • +6 Long Silver Sword
  • +6 Damascus
  • +6 Dragon Slayer (don't count on this for a LONG time)

It is up to you on the order you plus these weapons. Depending on what you prefer to hunt, you may want to plus some before others. This is entirely up to you. Analyze the statistics for each weapon and make the decision on what you like to hunt.

Final Wishes

Good luck leveling your new Knight. My words of advice for you are to have patience, constantly hunt (don't sit around and talk), and have fun. Don't be discouraged by downfalls, but pick yourself up and be determined to get better.

Enjoy your exploration of Aden!

Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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