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Mage Guide for the Rich and Wealthy
Fast leveling guide for mages. Getting to level 40 in a day.

Note: This guide should work on both LoA and Ken/Dep although magical abilities may be slightly improved on LoA. Thus this guide may work best on the LoA server. Also, if you plan to level in FV without LoA's ebolt cab you would need constant wisdom potions to help hit the monsters.

Early preparation - Money dumping

This part is where you spend all your money, but it can be well worth it.

  1. Buy a handful of Blank Level 3 Scrolls and have a mage friend write Frozen Cloud spell on all of them. (Blank level 3 scrolls cost 1,000 adena each at Ivory Tower so its preferably to buy from players at first for lower expenses.)
  2. Buy a Blizzard Spellbook.
  3. Buy a Crystal Staff of Mana (CSOM). The CSOM has no level restriction so you will want to use this to help you regen your mp. There is a risk of using this in that if you die and aren't full lawful you could drop the item.

Levels 1 to 5

Walk up to the Haste Master to receive free haste. The haste stacks so use it 3-4 times.

Walk down and get your mage cap (1 mana ebolt) and then find the dummies and shoot them until level 5.

Now that your level 5 go complete the quest and get your Skeleton Boots.

Levels 5 to 24

Time to get going. Take aproxemetly 15,000 adena out of storge and teleport to Werldern. Don't forget to bookmark every town you visit. Buy a polymorph scroll (SOSC) and then start walking to Fire Valley (FV). Use the SOSC to morph into a dwarf at the Bridge to save some time because the lower your level is the shorter the poly morph will last. Start e-bolting every thing (Fire eggs; Flower Bomb - do this from a distance so it doesn't attack you, try to be just out of its range so you will still get experience; and dragonflys, but you'll have to run a bit, just like fire eggs but more running.) Try not to get grouped by many monsters. Gather a lot of monsters (not archers) and use the scrolls to kill them all. Once you have enough mana to do some frozen clouds (150 or so) then you should use it versus 4 or more eggs to save up on mana. You can use either the spell (once you have learned it) or just use the scrolls.

NOTE: Please be considerate of others and don't just hit any monster that you see. Be sure that the monster is not currently being attacked when you attack it. Gathering monsters can be very frustrating for others so exercise caution if you choose to gather large groups of monsters before killing them.

Levels 24 to 32

This is where you should start using the scrolls as I said in the last part of "Level 5 to 24". This consumes a lot of scrolls and thus a lot of money. Your best bet is to combine the technique from Levels 5 to 24 with the scrolls and the spell for the best effect.

Levels 32 to 40

Learn Blizzard and start having fun! Go to places such as the desert and gather as many monsters as possible and blizzard away, try to kill groups each hit because blizzard eats mana. Blizzard wil work best if you use a Wisdom potion as it will help increase the damage caused by the spell. You'll need full ac and mana potions at this section because while using blizzard your damaging yourself, so you don't want to die first time a monster gets to you. So, at this point you should be level 40 and well how wonderful is that? 1 day has yet to be passed!

The future is in your hand now.

Brought to you by:
~ XBasil Favorite Herb.

Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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