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Old pet guide
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Pet Guide
Available Pet Types
Picture Name Description Picture Evolved Name Description
Beagle Beagle A beagle is considered a magic specialist. The magic spell a beagle uses currently is stalac. It is a "balance" type of pet. It has one of the best balance in the game with a balanced attack and magic attack. High Beagle High Beagle Currently, the magic the evolved version of a pet does is the same, but expect this to change soon.
Wolf Wolf A wolf is considered an attack specialist and is a "speed" type. It has a very fast attack and movement speed. High Wolf High Wolf
Shepherd Shepherd A shepherd is considered an attack specialist and is a "balance" type. Each characteristic is balanced in equilibrium. A little less powerful of a bite than a doberman but fairly equal otherwise. High Shepherd High Shepherd
Doberman Doberman A doberman is an attack specialist and is an "attack" type. Dobermans have a strong attack and fast movement speed. High Doberman High Doberman
St. Bernard Saint Bernard The saint bernard is a magic specialist and is a "balance" type. It has a good, balanced constitution and magic power. The magic spell a saint bernard uses is wind shot. High St. Bernard High Saint Bernard Currently, the magic the evolved version of a pet does is the same, but expect this to change soon.
Husky Husky The husky is an attack specialist and is a "constitution" type. That means they tend to have more HP. High Husky High Husky
Collie Collie A collie is an attack specialist and is a "constitution" type. They have a strong constitution but can also attack from 2 cells away. High Collie High Collie
Bear Bear A bear is an attack specialist and is a combination of an "attack" and "constitution" type. They have a very strong attack and constitution but are very slow. They can also attack from 3 cells away. High Bear High Bear
Cat Cat A cat is a magic specialist and a "speed" type. It has very fast movement speed and evasion with superior magic power. The cat has a medium regen rate. The magic spell a cat uses is chill touch. These tend to be harder to find for taming than the others (except for the killer rabbit). High Cat High Cat Currently, the magic the evolved version of a pet does is the same, but expect this to change soon.
Fox Fox A fox is a magic specialist and is a "balance" type. Foxes have a very slow regen. It has a suitable balance of physical attack and magic attack. The magic spell a fox uses is fire arrow. High Fox High Fox Currently, the magic the evolved version of a pet does is the same, but expect this to change soon.
Killer Rabbit Killer Rabbit A killer rabbit is a magic specialist and is a "magic" type. It has a strong attack and has strong magic power. It can only be tamed with carrots. The killer rabbits on Dream Island cannot be tamed. The ones on the mainland can be tamed but tend to be hard to find. All other pets must be tamed with floating eye meat. Killer Rabbits have much faster magic regen than other magic pets (but are weaker in hp and non-magic attack). The magic a killer rabbit uses is cone of cold. High Rabbit High Rabbit Currently, the magic the evolved version of a pet does is the same, but expect this to change soon.
Some Pet Statistics

The following table with pet sounds is made with thanks to Lindalas, Ken server.

Pets "say" various things at levels 12, 24, 36, and 48. High pets say different things than regular pets:
Regular Pets
Beagle, Collie, Doberman, Husky, St Bernard, Shepherd, Wolf
Bow! Wow!
Wuf. Arf!
Yes, Master
Killer Rabbit
*Boing boing*
Go now
Did you call?
*Sniff... Sniff...*
Arf... Woof...
Woof... Woof...
Bow~ Whimper!
High (Evolved) Pets
Woof! Wait a Moment.
Woof! Whew... You're clothes are gonna get dirty.
Woof, woof! I've got to go gracefully
Howl! Whine... I'm going.
Howl,howl! Whine... Did you call?
Bark, bark! I'm going now!
Bark! My master is calling!
Bark, bark! Just give me your command!
Howl! Please let me have some fun, master...
Arf, woof! You're going to let me have some fun!
Bark, bark! Yes, yes master!
St Bernard
Whew... I'm tired.
Whew... what do you want?
Growl... ?
Growl... Why are you calling me?
Growl... I'm busy right now, master.
Meow... You're bothering me again.
Meeooww... Let's play hide and seek.
Meow... I'm going.
Killer Rabbit
Boing... Carrot, carrot...
Boing... Where is my master?
Bounce, bounce... I've got to be with my master.
Howl, whine...ill go in a little while.
Oh!'ll at least give me some honey, right?
Whine... did you call me?
Whine... There's no shine to my fur.

Pet Facts & Hints
These facts were true in the previous incarnation of the pet system and have to be checked if they still hold true.
  • You can't use a pet that is higher level than you.
  • Dogs which are over level 25 have a one hour haste effect after every time they achieve the next level.
  • If your pet dies, its corpse will remain on the ground for 5 minutes.
  • Pets will not enter Dragons Lairs and they are not able to go underwater.
  • Pets will leave you when they are 'empty'
  • Pets, just like normal players, can lose HP/MP/LVL if they die after leveling up.
  • You can use spells on your pets (like heal, haste)
  • Pets will use healing potions and haste potions if you give one to them.
  • Some monsters are aggressive to your pets.
  • Pets receive many of the drops from a monster. They have 8 slots to carry items. Use "collect" to get these items. You may now view what items they are holding by opening their control menu and clicking on their inventory button.
  • If you teleport somewhere, your pets will teleport with you.
  • Pets in narrow caves can be annoying. Try to get into an open area so you are not blocking the path.
  • Pet collars can be sold to other players.
  • After a NPC server reboot, you can double click on your pet collar to retrieve them.
  • Pets, like players, level harder on higher levels
  • Monsters may attack your pets when their way is blocked
  • A pet will bark/cry out when it can't carry any more items.
  • You can feed all pets any fruit other than lemons (in addition to meat and eggs ... and rabbits dont eat those two).
  • Always keep a couple Scrolls of Resurrection on hand in case the pet gets killed.
  • Dismissed or abandoned pets cannot be tamed again.
  • Pets are cheaper if you tame a pet instead of buying it.
  • Tamed pets cannot be given items by other players. Those items will drop to the ground.
Taming Dogs
Pets can be found throughout Aden. The most common places for them to be found is as follows:
  • Beagles - Around Woodbec
  • Wolves - All around Aden. Most common dog to see.
  • Shepherds - Between Gludio and Kent is very popular for Shepherds
  • Dobermanns - Around Woodbec and between Gludio and Kent.
  • Saint Bernards - Mainly around Oren and it's surrounding lands.
  • Huskies - Mainly around Oren and it's surrounding lands. Also try around Aden.
  • Collies - Collies spawn in the Forest of Dawn.
  • Foxes - On LoA, look on Turtle Island. But try around Oren and Gypsy Toen.
  • Bears - Bears spawn in OWL, especially along the south shore and in the east forest.
  • Cats - Try around the Oren area like the Oren Wasteland. Have been seen in the likes of Fire Valley.
  • Killer Rabbit - Dream Island killer rabbits cannot be tamed, but try to find them in Dragon Valley and Fire Valley.

The key point to taming a pet is almost killing it and then feeding it with floating eye meat (or carrots for the killer rabbit). To do this follow these steps:

  1. You cannot be in a party when trying to tame a pet.
  2. Hit the pet till it is almost dead. If you kill it, you will need to find another pet.
  3. Feed the pet one floating eye meat (or carrot for killer rabbits) at a time.
  4. If you succeded in taming the pet, you will get the pet collar.
  5. If you failed to tame the pet, you will see a message in the chat window stating 'you failed to tame him'.
  6. If you failed, hit the pet again. If he is still alive, feed it another floating eye meat (or carrot for killer rabbits).
  7. If, when a taming attempt fails, the future pet dies, you can resurrect it and try to tame it again (however, resurrection is not cheap).
  8. Repeat the process until you get the pet.
  9. Note: Killer Rabbits can only be tamed using carrots. All others must be fed floating eye meat.
Evolving Dogs
When a dog reaches level 30, it may be fed a "Fruit of Evolution" so it can evolve into a "High Pet". These fruits can be obtained at the NPC "Rumiel" in Aden at location (34122, 33148). They may also be obtained by trading 20 Moonlight Tears for them. To trade them, visit NPC Raidar standing in the inn at Talking Island (the NPC is not the innkeeper). To get a Moonlight Tear, they can be crafted with 5 shining scales, 1 emerald, and 1000 adena. Shining scales can be obtained from Ramia.

Once fed, its level will drop to 1 as a "High Pet". That means if it was level 36 before being evolved, it'll still be only a level 1 high pet. In the future, magic-using high pets will use different magic from the normal pets. High pets also have slightly different attack/speed/etc. statistics.

Some pet armor and weapons are restricted to high pets only. Pet armor and fangs can be purchased from Ashinnue in Aden.

Buying/Selling Dogs
Dogs can be bought from two sources: Dog NPC outside of Orc Town (Rodeny) or from other players. In the long term, it is probably better to buy them from another player or tame one yourself.

Buying from Rodney outside of Orc Town: Rodney used to sell level 3-8 beagles, wolves, shepherds, and dobermans for a cheap price. He now only sells level 10 beagles, shepherds, dobermans, and saint bernards for 50,000 adena each.

Controlling Pets
The pet menu has been changed. Commands are represented as icons now. You can view the pet's HP, MP, hunger status, command status, AC, equipped items, etc. from the window. There is also a dial-control one can quickly select a command to issue easily from.

Make sure the pet's hunger status isn't empty, otherwise the pet will leave you.

(This picture is old and is missing the pet inventory icon shown further down this page)

Pet Items
Pets will also be using weapons and armor now. The NPC Ashinnue in the very western corner of Aden (location 33940, 33189) sells some high pet items.

By clicking on the dog head icon next to "[Equip]" you can open the pet's inventory window like shown below:

Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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