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Character Guides
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Stat Guide
Charisma (CHA)
  • Determines the number of creatures or mercenaries you can summon, tame, or hire.
  • Determines the maximum number of members in a Pledge. (Based on the Prince/Princess total Charisma)
  • Determines the number of creatures or mercenaries you can summon, tame, or hire.
    The number of pets that you can control is equal to CHA / 6 plus a small class bonus. This bonus is +1 for princes, mages and dark elves and +2 for elves. So, a CHA 12 mage can have 12 / 6 + 1 = 3 summons, pets or tames. When your mage becomes lvl 52, you can summon dire wolfs by using Ring of Summon Control. It takes 8 cha-points for each dire. Instead of using the above formula, you calculate your total cha-points as cha + 6, and then divide with 8 or 6, depending on which type you summon. If there is 6+ cha-points left after summoning dires, you can summon again and chose a normal summon instead.
    Check table below to see combination of summons for certain cha values:

    Note that an elf can only have 1 elemental summon.

  • Determines the maximum number of members in a Pledge. (Based on the Prince/Princess total Charisma)
    If you are a prince or princess, the size of your pledge in members is equal to your CHA * 2. If you wear any equipment that modifies your CHA, this is included in the calculation. If your prince or princess is level 50 or higher, the number of members is equal to CHA * 3.
  • Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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    Lineage: The Cross Rancor, Lineage: Dark Conquest are copyrights of NCSoft Corporation.
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