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Lineage 1 Guide
· Characters
· Items/Magic
· Armor Sets
· Item Creation
· Monsters
· Location/Maps
· NPCs
· Quests
· Morph Guide
· Submit Feedback
· Links

Written Guides
· Experience Guide
· Character Stat Guide
· Morph Guide
· Pets/Dog Guide
· Enchanting Guide
· Chat Text Color Guide
· Abbreviations Guide
· Siege Guide

Resources and Tools
· Experience Combiner
· Level Calculator
· In-game Commands
· Tips and Tricks

Special World Maps
· The World of Aden Map
· Aden Map (1:30 scale)
· Teleportation Map

Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

Text Color Guide
In order to type in color or for creating a title, you need to know the commands to choose a color. This guide will show you all the text coloring commands and the colors themselves. All you need to do is type \f* [text], where the * is one of the color codes below. You can type \\f*f* [text] to use the colors in the titles, chat, and on the screen.

To color your bookmarks you will type something like this: "\bookmark \fRFire Valley". The bookmark will appear in the specified color. The colors you can use are as follows: \fx where x is between R and Z (the actual color of these are not shown on this site). Note that the list is in alphabetical order and thus non-colored bookmarks will appear first and then your colored bookmarks based on the letter you used to color it (R-Z).

* Note that these colors represented here are approximate and may not match exactly.

Lineage is a registered trademark of NCSoft.
Lineage: The Cross Rancor, Lineage: Dark Conquest are copyrights of NCSoft Corporation.
All others: copyright (c) 2004 by
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