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Enchantment Scrolls & Guide
Enchantment Scrolls
Picture Name Description

Scroll of Enchant Armor

Each Neutral Scroll of Enchant Armor will enchant a piece of armor by giving you -1. This means that if you enchant a piece of armor that gives you -4 ac normally, it will now give you -5 ac. The item you enchant will now appear in your inventory as +1.

A Blessed Enchant Armor Scroll is used to enchant an item by 1, 2, or 3. Items can only be enchanted so many times. See the guide below on enchanting items.

A Cursed Enchant Armor Scroll is used to lower the enchantment by 1. This may seem odd, but it is possible that a Blessed scroll only improves your ac by 1. You may want to use a cursed scroll and then try using another Blessed scroll in hopes of getting +2 or +3.

Enchanting items with "of Magical Resistance" in their name will additionally increase the magic resistance for that item.

Scroll of Enchant Weapon

Each Neutral Scroll of Enchant Weapon will enchant a weapon by increasing the damage of a weapon by +1. Example: Gradius does 9/11 damage. If you enchant in once with a Neutral Enchant Weapon scroll its damage will be 10/12 (10 to small monsters, 12 to large).

A Blessed Scroll of Enchant Weapon will increase the damage of a weapon by 1, 2, or 3 randomly. You will want to use this as the last enchantment of a weapon before it reaches its maximum level of enchantment. For more info, see the guide below.

A Cursed Scroll of Enchant Weapon will decrease the damage of a weapon by 1. This is used in the situation when the blessed scroll only increased it by +1 and you want to try again to get +2 or +3.

Enchantment Guide
Each item (weapon or armor) has a maximum number of enchantments. If you try to enchant an item more than this number, it may explode and you will lose the item. The items have been classified into 4 categories.

Elven Armor Items
Elven armor items can be safely enchanted 6 times. If you would use only neutral scrolls, you can get a +6 elven armor item safely. However, you can get a higher + if you use a blessed scroll in the end. If you do choose to do so, enchant to +5 with neutral scrolls, then use the blessed scroll to get a +6, +7 or +8 elven armor item. Elven armor items are all the armor items with "Elven" in their name, and the Bless of Elm. ANY other items, no matter if they are created by elfs, are not considered Elven armor items.

Normal Armor Items
Normal armor items can be safely enchanted 4 times. If you would use only neutral scrolls, you would get a +4 normal armor item safely. However, you can get a higher + if you use a blessed scroll in the end. If you choose to do so, enchant to +3 with neutral scrolls, then use the blessed scroll to get a +4, +5 or +6 normal armor item. All armor items minus the elven armor items mentioned above, minus rings and amulets, are considered normal armor items. Gloves, Bracers and Power Gloves included.

Bone Armor Items
Unfortunately but true, Bone Armor Items cannot be enchanted safely. Some people try to enchant it anyway, but it is very risky. The best that's ever been done is +4, and it blows up 2/3 of the times.

Weapons can be safely enchanted 6 times. If you would use only neutral scrolls, you could get a +6 weapon safely. However, you can get a higher + if you use a blessed scroll in the end. If you choose to do so, enchant to +5 with neutral scrolls, then use the blessed scroll to get a +6, +7 or +8 weapon. There is no such thing as elven weapons. All weapons should treated the way it is described here.

Amultes, Rings, and Belts
Amulets, Rings, and Belts CAN NOT be enchanted. When you look at the amulet information it is a bit deceiving in that is says +0 Amulet. This does not mean that you can enchant it.

Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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