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Siege Guide

Sieges are one of the features that make Lineage unique from the other MMORPG's on the market. They are not for the weak hearted or lower level characters. A siege is the attempt to take over the ownership of a castle. Sieges only occur during the daylight hours and last for 2 hours. First we will talk about how sieges work and then we will talk about each castle and its unique features and advantages.

How to participate in a siege

There are two ways in which you can participate in a siege. The first is to declare against the defending pledge. In order to do this your prince needs to type "/war [pledge name]". Note that you can not declare if are morhed or if any one of your pledge mates is inside the siege flags that are put up for a siege.

Once you have declared you will see your logo appear above the heads of the players in your pledge and the defending pledge. This makes it easy to find your enemy. But not that not all players that are seizing or defending are in that pledge. This causes a log of confusion. Know who your enemies and allies are before going into a siege. Try to familiarize yourself with their logo so that you don't attack the wrong people.

The second is to help one of the seizing pledges or the defending pledges. You don't have to be part of their pledge, but there is a huge benefit of being part of the seizing/defending pledge as you will be able to easily see who your enemies are due to the icons above your head. If you are not part of the seizing or defending pledge, you will not see these icons.

How to Attack If you are a member of the sieging or defending pledges, then you can just go up to any of the people with a logo above their head and attack them. If you are not part of one of these pledges, you need to hold down the Ctrl key in order to attack anyone. This is a huge incentive to join either the sieging or defending pledges.

How to win

A Siege can be won in one of two ways. The first method is to break down the guardian tower inside the castle/fort. Once broken, a crown will be displayed. Any one of the princes who have declared against the defending pledge can get the crown. The first one to reach the tower will take control of the castle.

The second way to win a siege is to kill the defending prince. If he dies during the siege, the pledge that killed him will get control of the castle.

How to lose

If you are attempting to siege a castle there are a couple scenarios where you can lose. The first way to lose is when your prince gets killed at the siege. If he dies, you will all need to leave the siege so that you the prince can declare against the defending pledge again.

The second way to lose a siege is by not grabbing the crown. If there are two ore more pledges trying to siege the castle, any one of the princes can grab the crown once the tower is broken. If another prince grabs the crown, their pledge will remain inside the castle. All others will be teleported back to the nearest town, at which point their prince will need to declare again in order to attack.

The third way to lose a siege is by running out of time. A siege only lasts for 2 hours and once those two hours are up, you are no longer able to break down the tower.

Tactics and Tips

  • Stick Together - Stay grouped with a couple of allies so that you can all help each other attack. It will work a lot better if you can double/triple team an enemy.
  • Dice Daggers - Dice Daggers can be great weapons. They can be used on players and thus really scare them when their hp drops but can also be used on the Tower to destroy it much quicker.
  • Paralyze/Freeze - This is a tactic used by mages/elves to make their enemy teleport. If you first paralyze the person and then freeze them, you should have enough time to kill them before the paralyze wears off. The Freeze is to stop them from teleporting away.
  • Weapon Break - This is another good spell for a mage to use on others in order to decrease the effectiveness of their weapons.
  • Distance Attacks - Elves and Mages can both attack the tower and players from a distance. This is very important in places like Heine and Giran where the defenders are usually blocking the paths to the tower or to help a friend from a distance. This tactic is also used when the elves are near the tower shooting people and the person they are shooting can't get to them because the others are blocking the path to the tower.
  • When to siege - There is a 2 hour time period in which you can siege. If you attack right away and win, you will have to defend the castle for the rest of the 2 hour period. If you wait till there is only 1 hour or 30 minutes left you won't have to defend the castle as long. For some castles, you may need to attack earlier than others. This depends on the size and strength of your pledge and also on the size and strength of the defending pledge.
  • Damaging the tower - Only players that are part of a pledge that is seizing can break down the tower. If you are not part of a seizing pledge, you will not be able to do any damage to the tower. As a defender, you can let this person beat on the tower as they aren't doing any damage and is just wasting space.
  • Know your allies and enemies - The alliance features of this game are not very ideal. Many people have alliances in the game and not everyone knows who their allies are. When they see people coming at them they don't know if they are friend or foe. Learn what your friends icons look like. Try to get anyone that wants to help with the siege to join your pledge so that you know they are on your side. It is also confusing due to the fact that many pledges may be attacking and thus they aren't your enemy, but they aren't your ally either =).

Benefits of owning a castle

  • Tax Money - If you own a castle, you are able to get the tax money from the territory the castle controls. Taxes apply to anything bought at a store/merchant, renting an arena, slime races, dog races, etc. This is where all the tax money comes from.
  • Adjusting Tax Rate - As owner of a Castle, you can set the Tax Rate for the territory that the castle controls. The lowest the tax rate can be is 10%. Some pledges will raise the taxes and this makes many other players and their pledges mad.
  • Special Privileges - The Heine Castle has a back entrance directly into Eva's Temple where you can by Potion of Eva, which is needed to go underwater. Inside the Windawood Castle is the only entrance into the Windawood Caves. If you own the Orc Fortress, all Tribal Orcs will be passive to you so you can kill one at a time.
  • Setting Siege Time - As the owner of the castle/fort, you get to set the next Siege time. You will get to choose between certain siege times from the NPC within the next two days. In order to ensure there are no sieges in the middle of the night for most US players, the siege times are set during the daytime hours for the US (around 7AM to 10 PM).
  • Ordering Guards - Each Castle/Fort has the ability to allow you to use certain Guards to help you, much like summoned monsters. You must order your monsters and they will take 1 Lineage day to arrive. These guards will act like summoned monsters. They will follow you around and will help you attack monsters. The last forever as long as you they don't die and you continue to pay for them. If you don't pay for them, they will disappear after an allotted time. In order to get the drops from them, you will need to dismiss them and kill them like a tamed monster.
  • Escaping to the Castle - One thing that some people like and others dislike about owning a castle is that when you teleport home, you will be taken to the Castle, instead of to the nearest town.
  • Storage Dwarf - All Castles (not Orc Fortress) have a storage dwarf that you can use so that you don't have to go into the town. Stock up on the items you may need and put them in storage so that if you teleport home you can get your items from storage and don't have to run to town.

Downside of owning a castle

  • No House - Many people like owning a house so that you can regenerate faster when you teleport home. A Castle does not offer quicker regeneration rates and is also a combat zone...not a safe zone.
  • Maintenance - Castles require money to maintain. You must pay to have the guards help attack and to repair the gates. This costs money and can cause some castles to lose money.
  • Defending - If you want to defend your castle, you need many players to help you defend. This is usually through assistance from other pledges and friends. These other pledges and friends will usually want to be paid for their assistance and thus this is an extra cost if you want people to help you defend.
  • Making Money - Some castles make lots of money (Giran) while others tend to lose money (Orc Fortress). If you are going to take a castle, be careful which castle you own as you may not make any money off of owning it.
The Castles

Orc Fortress

The Orc Fortress is located northwest of Orc Town. It does not bring in any money and usually costs money to keep. The only money that it can bring in is from the Slime Races which are hardly ever used. Many people will take the Orc Fortress for learning purposes. There is one gate that you will have to break through in order to get into the Orc Fortress. Once inside, you will need to break down the Guardian Tower to get the crown. The owners of the fortress can order Orc Guards to help them fight, just like summoned monsters.

Kent Castle

Kent Castle is located just north of the north Kent gate. It controls the taxes for both Kent and Gludio. There is only one gate to break to get into the Kent Castle. Once broken, the Guardian tower needs to be broken in order to succeed in seizing the castle.

Windawood Castle

Windawood Castle is located at the far south end of Aden below the desert. The owners of Windawood control the taxes for Woodbec, Silver Knights Town, and the Oasis. This castle has an outer gate to break. Once broken, you must break the Guardian Tower and grab the crown to win the siege.

Windawood Castle has an additional benefit in that it contains the only entrance into the Windawood Caves. These caves contain one of the Beleth, one of the "Bosses" in Lineage. These caves contain a variety of monsters. Note that many people will break the gate in order to gain access into the caves. If you don't want people to have access to the caves, you will need to repair your gates every time they are broken or just leave the gates open for people to come and use the caves as they want.

Heine Castle

Heine Castle is located southwest of Heine and is located over the water. It controls the taxes for Heine as well as receives the taxes from the pledges renting the houses. There are two entrances to this castle. One gate is located at the north and one at the south. In order to lower the gate in the back, you must shoot it with distance weapons such as ebolts, arrows, ebony wants, etc. Once broken, the gate will lower to allow you to enter the castle zone. The front gate just needs to be broken down in order to enter the castle. Once inside, you need to break down the guardian tower to have victory.

The Heine Castle has an additional benefit in that it contains a quick entrance into the room where you can buy the Potions of Eva that are needed to go underwater.

Giran Castle

Giran Castle is the most desired castle in Aden. It controls the taxes for Giran; the busiest town in all of Aden, including all store sales, house taxes, dog races, and the renting of the Giran Arena. This castle has two sets of gates that need to be broken. There are two outer gates and two inner gates that can be broken to gain access to the Tower. There are flowers surrounding the guardian tower which distance attacks can shoot over. You will successfully seize the castle by breaking the tower and having the prince grab the crown.

Iron Gate Guild

The Iron Gate Guild is located at the base of Fire Valley. The owners of the Iron Gate Guild control the taxes for Werldern. There are two entrances with a gate at each entrance. After breaking the gate, find the guardian tower and break it down.

Inside the Guild is where you can make the Tsurugi so some people may break down the gate in order to make the Tsurugi.

Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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Lineage: The Cross Rancor, Lineage: Dark Conquest are copyrights of NCSoft Corporation.
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