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Dog Guide
Dog Types
Picture Name Description
Beagle Beagle Weakest of the six dog types. Doesn't do much damage but can help newbies kill small mops faster. They are useful to help slow the monsters down without stealing a lot of experience. This dog has one minor advantage over the other dogs: they are loud and obnoxious in combat, which may annoy other players causing them to leave the area. :)
Wolf Wolf Wolves have the advantage of being able to attack from 2 spaces away unlike any of the other dogs. The downfall is that they do not have the bite of the shepherd or doberman. Wolves don't eat a lot so you don't need to feed them as often either.
Shepherd Shepherd A little less powerful of a bite than a doberman but fairly equal otherwise. A shepherd is easier to tame due to the fact that you can tame them with normal meat.
Doberman Doberman This is the strongest dog in the game. To tame a doberman you will need floating eye meat. You can not tame a doberman with normal meat. After you have tamed the doberman, you can feed it normal meet. The floating-eye meat is only required when taming them. They can be sold for around 1,000 adena per level up to lvl 24 or 25. After that they become more valuable due to the auto haste at lvl 26.
St. Bernard Saint Bernard The Saint Bernard is known to have the highest HP of any dog, although they do seem to be a bit slower than the rest. There attack may be similar to a shepard. The Saint Bernard can be tamed with normal meat.
Husky Husky This is one of the strongest dogs in the game. They have more HP than a doberman, but they don't kill things quite as fast. They can be sold for around 1,000 adena per level up to lvl 24 or 25. After that they become more valuable due to the auto haste at lvl 26.
Dog Facts & Hints

  • You can't use a dog that is higher level than you.
  • Dogs which are over level 25 have a one hour haste effect after every time they achieve the next level.
  • If you dog dies, its corpse will remain on the ground for 5 minutes.
  • Dogs will not enter Dragons Lairs and they are not able to go underwater.
  • Dogs will leave you when they are 'empty'
  • Dogs, just like normal players, can lose HP/MP/LVL if they die after leveling up.
  • You can use spells on your dogs (like heal, str, dex, haste)
  • Dogs will use healing potions and haste potions (not greater haste potion) if you give one to them.
  • Some monsters are aggressive to your dogs.
  • Dogs receive many of the drops from a MOP. They have 8 slots to carry items. Use 'collect' to get these items.
  • If you teleport somewhere, your dogs will teleport with you.
  • Dogs in narrow caves can be annoying. Try to get into an open area so you are not blocking the path.
  • Dog collars can be sold to other players.
  • After a NPC server reboot, you can double click on your dog collar to retrieve your dogs.
  • Dogs, like players, level harder on higher levels
  • Monsters may attack your dogs when their way is blocked
  • A dog will bark when it can't carry any more items.
  • Dogs can also eat eggs which are lighter than meat.
  • Always keep a couple Scrolls of Resurrection on hand in case the dog gets killed.
  • Dismissed or abandoned dogs cannot be tamed again.
  • Dogs are cheaper if you tame a dog instead of buying it.
Taming Dogs
Dogs can be found throughout Aden. The most common places for them to be found is as follows:
  • Beagles - Around Woodbec
  • Wolves - All around Aden. Most common dog to see.
  • Shepherds - Between Gludio and Kent is very popular for Shepherds
  • Dobermanns - Around Woodbec and between Gludio and Kent.
  • Saint Bernards - Mainly around Oren and it's surrounding lands.
  • Huskies - Mainly around Aden and it's surrounding lands.

The key point to taming a dog is almost killing it and then feeding it meat. To do this follow these steps:

  1. You cannot be in a party when trying to tame a dog.
  2. Hit the dog till it is almost dead. If you kill it, you will need to find another dog.
  3. Feed the dog one meat at a time.
  4. If you succeded in taming the dog, you will get the dog collar.
  5. If you failed to tame the dog, you will see a message in the chat window stating 'you failed to tame him'.
  6. If you failed, hit the dog again. If he is still alive, feed it another meat.
  7. Repeat the process until you get the dog.
  8. Note: Dobermans can only be tamed using Floating-Eye Meat.
Buying/Selling Dogs
Dogs can be bought from two sources: Dog NPC outside of Orc Town (Rodeny) or from other players. In the long term, it is probably better to buy them from another player or tame one yourself.

Buying from Rodeny outside of Orc Town. All dogs are levels 4-6 when bought:

  • Beagles
    • Levels 3 = 160
    • Levels 4 = 360
    • Levels 5 = 760
  • Wolves
    • Levels 4 = 400
    • Levels 5 = 800
    • Levels 6 = 1,600
  • Shepherds
    • Levels 5 = 800
    • Levels 6 = 1,700
    • Levels 7 = 3,800
  • Dobermans
    • Levels 6 = 2,000
    • Levels 7 = 4,400
    • Levels 8 = 9,600

Buying from other players (prices are approximate and depend on the buyer/seller):

  • Beagles
    • Levels 4 to 10 = 500 to 1,000
    • Levels 11 to 15 = 1,000 to 2,000
    • Levels 16 to 20 = 2,000 to 5,000
    • Levels 21 to 25 = 5,000+
    • Levels 25 to 35 = 1,000 per level
    • Levels 36 to 40 = 2,000 per level
    • Levels 40+ = depends on seller
  • Wolves
    • Levels 4 to 10 = 500 to 1,000
    • Levels 11 to 15 = 1,000 to 4,000
    • Levels 16 to 20 = 4,000 to 8,000
    • Levels 21 to 25 = 8,000+
    • Levels 25 to 35 = 1,000 per level
    • Levels 36 to 40 = 2,000 per level
    • Levels 40+ = depends on seller
  • Shepherds
    • Levels 4 to 10 = 500 to 1,000
    • Levels 11 to 15 = 1,000 to 4,000
    • Levels 16 to 20 = 4,000 to 8,000
    • Levels 21 to 25 = 8,000+
    • Levels 25 to 35 = 1,000 per level
    • Levels 36 to 40 = 2,000 per level
    • Levels 40+ = depends on seller
  • Dobermans
    • Levels 4 to 10 = 500 to 2,000
    • Levels 11 to 15 = 2,000 to 5,000
    • Levels 16 to 20 = 5,000 to 10,000
    • Levels 21 to 25 = 12,000+
    • Levels 25 to 35 = 1,000 per level
    • Levels 36 to 40 = 2,000 per level
    • Levels 40+ = depends on seller
  • Saint Bernards
    • Levels 4 to 10 = 500 to 1,000
    • Levels 11 to 15 = 1,000 to 4,000
    • Levels 16 to 20 = 4,000 to 8,000
    • Levels 21 to 25 = 8,000+
    • Levels 25 to 35 = 1,000 per level
    • Levels 36 to 40 = 2,000 per level
    • Levels 40+ = depends on seller
  • Huskies
    • Levels 4 to 10 = 500 to 2,000
    • Levels 11 to 15 = 2,000 to 5,000
    • Levels 16 to 20 = 5,000 to 10,000
    • Levels 21 to 25 = 12,000+
    • Levels 25 to 35 = 1,000 per level
    • Levels 36 to 40 = 2,000 per level
    • Levels 40+ = depends on seller

Note: Lineage 1 Guide data/guides have been transferred from Lineage Guide.

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